USB 3.0 or the new Mac type ? Since the unit doesnt have any drivers for Mac to install, it relies on the OS to properly see the unit and use internal drivers, so probably a compatibility issue that Stanton needs to address. If thats not the case for you, then either the unit is not compatible with the new OSX or perhaps some issue with the connection to the USB port. Djdad PRO Infinity Development Manager Member since 2005 Best Answer Do you see the Stanton DJC4 as a sound card in Audio Midi Setup (from Applications->Utilities) ? If you click to show the available sound cards in VDJ Audio setup, do you get the Stanton as an option or just the Built-in ? In MacOS Siera (10.12) i see the DJC-4 in Audio Setup here and the special button in VDJ Audio setup as well.